Monday, March 27, 2017


Hello family!

Everything's fantastic here in Cipolletti. We've had a great week. Things are at a different pace here, the ward is amazing, there's a ton of people, and we have a lot of potential in the entire zone.

A lot of things happened this week, but it went by very fast, and I don't remember a lot of it now. The zone is great, we have a lot of good missionaries in our zone. This week we had our MLC with the president and everyone, and it was really good. We talked about the importanced of the district leaders, and have come to the conclusion that they are the key to success in our mission. The zone leaders all have a pretty good idea of what they're doing and how to do it, how to apply the purpose, but now we need the district leaders to do the same. So we talked a lot about that, it was great as always.

We did everything quick this week and had the zone training last night. It turned out really well. We did a bunch of practices and focused on the Doctrine of Christ, and it was uplifiting. The zone is excited to work.

Our area is doing great, we have a ton of investigators, and quite a few baptisaml dates, but nobody came to church yesterday. We were pretty bummed because we had talked to 2 of our investigators the day beforehand and they had said they were coming and they were excited to do it, but then they didn't show up. We went to go look for them, but they weren't home. But we're going to improve that this week.

My companion and I are doing well. We get along super well, and he works really hard, so it's been a fun time. I can't wait to see what this trnsfer has in store for us!!

Love you all!!

Elder Grondel


1. Pre-MLC McDonald's breakfast

2. Elder Sorenson (ex-comp)

3. Planning the zone training

the zone

Monday, March 20, 2017

El tipo en Cipo

Hello my dear family, how is everyone doing? Everything's great here, loving my life.

This past weekend we had transfers, and I left Plottier! I was there for a long time and had grown really close to a lot of people there, but it was a much needed change. I feel more energized now to have a new area and new companion, new zone, new everything! Now I am in Cipolletti, which is a city just east on Neuquén. It is in the province of Río Negro, is fair-sized, about 80,000 people. It's about 45 minutes west of Roca, where I was about 15 months ago, and it reminds me a lot of Roca. My new companion is Elder Medina from San Juan, Argentina! He's a good Elder, he was with me in Bariloche, so I already know him pretty well. We get along well, and we're going to see a lot of good things this transfer. I'd send you guys a picture, but he forgot his camera, and soooo yeah we don't have one. Next week!

This past week in Plottier was good. It went by really fast because a lot of things happened, but it was good. We weren't able to find Marcelo nor Ida this week, but we taught Enrique and Giselle a couple times, thery're doing really well. We invited Enrique to be baptized, and he accepted! They need to get married, but after that they'll be good. He's a good guy and understand well, so he'll be baptized soon.

Other than that, not a lot happened. We went to the Viedma family my last two days because I said I would make pancakes, and to say goodbye. They're a very special family, and mean a lot to me. It was sad to leave, but I'm sure I'll see them again soon.

Also, Elder Nachreiner that was living with us finished his mission on Saturday, and hiis mom and sister came to pick him up! So they came to church and we talked a bit with them. Weird speaking english with other gringos again. But yeah.

I love you all and hope you have a great week!!

Elder Grondel


1. Familia Nadal

2. Misioneros de Plottier

3. Familia Bedogni

4. Familia Sandoval

5. Familia Ávila

6. Familia Viedma

Monday, March 13, 2017


Hello everyone, how are you doing???

Everything is great. I wanted to do another voice recording, but I forgot and didn't have time so, here we are again.

This week was good. It went by quick, but we did a lot of things. The main thing that comes to mind right now, is we did exchanges with the elders in Senillosa, and I went over there. It's a small town with not a lot of people, just a lot of fields. But we had a good time, found some investigators and saw some good things. I went with Elder Bisbano, who's from Buenos Aires. He's a good elder and has about 4 months in the mission. It was a good time.

We worked a lot this week, and we were finally able to find Ida again, it was a miracle. We were in another part of our area, and we had thought about going by earlier that day, so we decided to go to her house. Right when we are going up to the gate of her patio, she shows up carrying a bunch of groceries, the exact same moment. We haven't seen her in almost two months, but she let us in and we talked for a while. We figured out that she was in Cipolletti for a long time visiting sick family members, and then went to the mountains on vacation with her daughter for a while. She was also really sad, because this Friday was the 3 year anniversary of her husband's death, and they were really close. We talked and consoled her and while we were talking the thought came to my mind that we could give her a Priesthood blessing. A couple minutes later, my companion started talking about the power of the priesthood, and how we act in the name of Christ when we use that power. It was the perfect introduction, and I offered to give her a blessing after explaining what it was, I knew it was from the Spirit. She accepted and I pronounced the blessing, it was a wonderful experience. I felt the Spirit so strong, and knew that we had succesfully followed the promptings of the Spirit to be able to help those that are in need. That's what this whole thing's about, it was fantastic. She said she needed a little time because she's taking the death of her husband pretty hard, but we'll go back and see her this week.

Also, on Saturday I felt pretty sick. I'm not quite sure what it was, but I we were still able to leave a little bit in the morning, and then went to a ward family history activity, it was pretty fun, I'll try to include some pictures. I guess it was about time, because I've never really gotten sick on my mission until this point, that's a pretty amazing blessing.

Yesterday we were able to talk to Marcelo as well. He's pretty down because he can't work, and depends on other people to be able to have the money to live and provide for his children due to the work accident that he had. He feels that the people that are supposed to being helping him aren't doing their job right and he's suffering because of it. He feels pretty hopeless and powerless, and he's frustrated. He's kind of closed himself off, but we were able to invite him to find comfort in the Book of Mormon, and we're going to pass by again soon to be able to talk to him more.

Other than that, everything's great. Living the dream and loving every second of it.

Love you all, pretend that there's an excalamtion point here, my keyboard doesn't work right haha

Elder Grondel.

Monday, March 6, 2017

New Stake Presidency

Hello family!

Everything's great here. We had quite a few things happen this week, but it was good overall, it's all explained a little bit better here in this recording. Today we're going to make an asado and hang out here in the stake center and play some ball I think. Listen to hear who the new stake President is!!

Love you all!

Elder Grondel