Monday, February 27, 2017

love you

Here´s this, I don't have a lot of time today, but I love you all a ton Have a great week

Elder Grondel

(Email me (Lauren) if you didn't get the recording, and I will send it to you :) )

Monday, February 20, 2017

Bariloche 2.0

Hello my amazing family!!! This week was great, we had a great time.

The main event was the missionary leadership council in Bariloche with President Teixera, the area President, for our area, which is South America South, and it was fantastic. We left on Thursday around 2, and got there at night. It was super weird to be back in my old area, and to stay in my old apartment, but it was super great. Everything was the same, same neighbors, same people working at the shops. It reminded me why that's one of my favorite areas until now. I love going to consejo because there's usually a lot of missionaries that I've either been comps with, or I've worked closely with my entire mission. This time it was weird being one of the missionary with the most time in the mission, that freaked me out.

But anyway, President Teixera was great. He's super funny, has a lot energy, y helped us with a lot of things that are going to change the mission. He's from Portugal, but has lived in a bunch of different places, and speaks 5 languages in total. Him and his wife as well gave a lot of good advice and consejos that we're what we needed, and a lot of answers to questions that I personally have been having as well, so it inspired me a lot. Everybody gave some pretty good trainings and other segments, and so I'm excited to be able to see what happens in the zone.

After the council, we didn't have a lot of time before our bus left back to Plottier, but we had just enough time to stop by and see Pablo and Belén, mi conversa, where they were working. Unfortunately, Belen was sick and hadn't come to work that day, but I got to see Pablo, it was nice. We bought some chocolate and then got on the bus. It was a fun trip.

Here in Plottier, we didn't have a lot of time in our area because of other meetings and things to do, but we saw Marcelo again, and he accepted a baptismal date for March 4th! He was excited and is super prepared. He couldn't come to church because he stayed in Neuquén the night before, and his back was hurting him pretty bad, but we'll see him again soon.

Personally, I'm doing great. Living as 4 missionaries is always crazy and fun, and I'm excited to see what we can do this transfer in our ward. They also changed our bishop yesterday! The old bishop had been as bishop for almost 12 years straight, so he was happy to have a change. The new bishop is hermano Sanchez, who is from Buenos Aires (he gets along really well with my comp), and he's very excited and has a lot of great ideas on how he wants to change the ward. It's going to be great.

Other than that, everything's fantastic! Love you all, have a good week!

Elder Grondel

Monday, February 13, 2017


Hello there everyone!

Another week in the chacras (orchards, there's a lot of them here) of Plottier, and it was great! It went by pretty quick, but we're having a good time.

As I said last week, we now have four perople leaving in our apartment, and it's going pretty well. Elder Nachreiner's new comp is Elder Jones from St. George, Utah, and he's great. Doesn't understand anything, and has been pretty sick because of the climate change and such, but he's doing well. It's weird speaking a lot of english again, but my comp understands and speaks english as well, so it's all going well. It's crazy hearing all the stuff that has happened since I left, I didn't understand half the new slang words he's been using when he got here.

Another great thing that happened this week, is we found a new investigator that is golden! His name is Marcelo, and we met when Elder Jones asked me to take a picture of him and his comp outside our apartment the other night. Elder Jones had crossed the street to take a better picture and we were waiting on the other side, and a man with his son went up and started talking to Elder Jones, since it was his second or third day in the country, obviously he didn't understand anything, and we could tell he was kind of really lost haha. So we went over and started talking to him. Turns out that he has a brother who's a member that lives in Buenos Aires, and so we took down his direction and went by on Saturday with my comp (he lives in our area). We went, and he started telling us his entire life story. Recently, he had a work accident, he was leaving his job, and a 15 foot, 4000 pound metal garage door fell on him. He broke 12 ribs, desaligned 3 vertebrae in his spinal column, and almost died. But he survived, they did a surgery about a month ago, and he's already walking around and says it only hurts to sit downa dn stand up for long periods of time without moving. He has a powerful spirit, and is searching for peace and happiness, so that he can help other people. Super prepared. We invited him to church, and he came for all 3 hours! He said that he loved, and participated a bunch. We're going to go by again tomorrow, and we feel that he is already ready to accept and continue forward. A tender mercy from the Lord.

I testify that Christ lives, and loves each and every one of you, it is a pleasure to be His representative to the people of Argentina, and I am loving every minute that I have out here. I love you all, have a great week!

Elder Grondel

1. We went to a refuge, and I found my bird cousins

2. We ate cake for my comp's birthday

Monday, February 6, 2017


Todo bien acá.

Well we had transfers this last week aaaaaaannnnnnnddddd...........................nothing changed! I'm still here in Plottier with Elder Martinez. We're excited to be able to stay another transfer and work in this ward. Also, they put another companionship in our ward! So now our area's a little smaller, but we have two more elders- one that goes home this transfer, and he'll be training a new missionary. So that's exciting.

To be honest, this week disappeared and I don't remember a lot. It went by quick. Unfortunately, our investigator still hasn't come back from Cipoletti, so she wasn't able to get baptized, but as soon as she gets back, we're going to be helping her make that step. Things are looking up.

I don't have a lot to write today, but this week we're going to see a lot of things this transfer, and we're going to have the mission leadership council in Bariloche this transfer! So I get to go back to my old area for a day, hopefully we'll be able to go visit some of my converts. But more than that, not a lot to tell.

I love you all, thanks for everything!

Elder Grondel