Hello family!!!
We had an amazing week, truly saw a lot of miracles and were greatly blessed. We were able to find a couple new people, which was good. We're working hard, and having a great time here with Elder Hardy. I'm still getting used to being in a branch, but the members that we do have are truly converted, and excited to work and help us.
The miracle of the week happened on Wednesday. The zone leaders came to our district meeting, and afterwards we did intercambios (exchanges) with them. The zone leaders used to be here in Trevelin about 3 transfers ago, so one of the zone leaders that came used to be here as well. He went with my companion, and I went with Elder Toledo from Uruguay. We had a good time and found a couple new people, but didn't have anything too exciting happen. When we got back to the pension, the other missionaries told us that they had stopped by a less-active home to ask to use the bathroom, and of the daughter who is not a member was there. She's heard the missionaries quite a few times before, and used to go to church before and knows a lot already. She told them that she had been thinking a lot and looking at the pictures of her mom's baptism, and said that she just felt like she wanted to be baptized! We went back the next day to talk a little more with her, and she confirmed those desires! Her name is Antonela, pray for her! We had put a date for this weekend, but she wasn't able to come to church this week, so we'll have to change that. But the amazing thing is that we found someone to be baptized this transfer! The truth is I had heard a lot of things about this area, that it was hard, that there are little members, that it hasn't progressed in years, but when I got here I talked with my companion when we got here, and committed ourselves to work and trust that the Lord would provide, and we already found someone! It's amazing to be a missionary and participate in this great work.
Also, yesterday it snowed. Yayyyyyyy
Other than that, the week passed by pretty quickly, I can't believe that it's going by so quickly! I'm just trying to enjoy every second. I love you all so much, this is the true church, share it with your friends!!
Elder Grondel
1 Every says Elder Hardy is a carrot, and Elder Johnson (my MTC comp that was a zone leader in Esquel last transfer) told him that I wasn't so much a carrot, but more of a tomato. So when we were cooking lunch this week....
2 Trevelin
3 Celebrating for Antonela
4 Snow